Premium Windows Themes, Windows Desktop Enhancements, Desktop GUI replacements



In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of the three monstrous Gorgons, generally described as winged human females with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone.

This Rainmeter Suite includes 4 skins, in 3 groups, the Date, Time and Weather skin, the Music Info-Player skin, the System Info skin, the Launcher-Dock skin and the Wallpaper.

- The Weather needs configuration for your home town, left click on the temperature and the settings window will appear, there you can personalize the weather and time format, it is easy, there are detailed instructions. To see the changes please hit enter and close the settings window. If it is needed refresh the skin, by left clicking on the weather icon.

- The Music player widget needs the support of one popular player, (like AIMP, iTunes, J.River Media, MediaMonkey, MusicBee, Foobar2000, WinAmp, Windows Media Player and Spotify). Start your player and all the info of the music you hear will appear on this mini widget, the Artist, the Song Name and the music controls for Pause-Start, Next and Previous song.

* Notes:
If you use Foobar2000 you need to download and install foo cad plugin:
If you use MusicBee you must enable "CD Art Display" plugin in (MusicBee>Edit>Preferences>Plugins).
It supports Spotify , but only for the desktop version, not with web player!

- The System Info and the Launcher/Dock skins need no action from the user, but if you like you can change the size of these 2 skins, are resizable. Change the size of these skins by pointing the cursor on any part of them and scroll the mouse wheel forward or backward. Don’t do it fast, in rare cases it may crash the Rainmeter, in this case, just run again the Rainmeter and everything will be OK, if not, just restore the skin.

- You can always rearrange the place of any skin on your desktop, enable or disable any of them or use a different wallpaper, according to your personal taste and needs.

Stay tuned, more themes and widgets will follow.

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designed by adni18